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코로나19의 확산으로 미술계에도 ‘비대면 전시 관람’이 늘었습니다. 미술관이나
갤러리들은 관람객들이 VR(가상현실) 등을 통해 작품을 감상하도록 하고, 미술
영상 콘텐츠를 제공하는 온라인 서비스를 확대하고 있습니다. 그동안 전시 진행이
어려웠을 작가들에게 온라인을 통해 상설전시의 기회를 제공하고, 다양한 전시에
갈증을 느끼고 있을 대중의 니즈를 반영하여 기획하게 되었습니다. 작가들에게
비용, 공간, 시간적 조건의 제약없이 관람객들과 가깝게 소통할 수 있는 기회가
주어지고, 대중들에게는 다양한 작품을 감상할 수 있도록 돕는 서비스입니다.



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                <p class="promo">Art Platform of<br>Contemporary & Modern Art</p>

            <span class="text_promo">Blank Project is a online platform that allows anyone to explore<br>Virtual Reality exhibitions as well as buy real art pieces through our VR application.</span>

            <span class="credit">Artwork by Doba Afolabi</span>

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            <h2>Virtual Reality<br>Modern Art<br>Gallery</h2>
            <p>Blank Project is an online art flatform for contemporary art that allows <br> collectors and art lovers alike to buy works of art in complete security<br>from nationally recognized artists</p>

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                <h2 class="content_title">TRENDING EXHIBITION</h2>
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                            <span class="visual_title">Painted By Numbers, 2016</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Curve and Esteme</span>

                            <p class="art_description tab">  Street artist Curve and Esteme’s artworks represents<br>the raw energy of a distinct pop-graffiti aesthetic cen-<br>tered on fluid, bold outlines against a dense, rhythmic<br>overspread of imagery of portraits and nature. </p>

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                            <span class="visual_title">The Indifferent Owl, 2011</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Gary Hume</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Hume has developed a distinctive visual language of<br>bold, simplified forms to create paintings that engage the<br>viewer with their pleasantly irresolvable quality.</p>

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                            <span class="visual_title">The Crutch Kid, 2017</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Casey Bolding</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Definitely digging the unique style of Brooklyn-based<br>painter whose surfaces span both concrete walls in public<br>spaces as well as canvas and works on paper.</p>

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                            <span class="visual_title">New Mexico, Continued, 2018</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Max Vesuvius Budnick</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Ranging from deeply personal self-portraits and<br>vignettes from his own life to nuanced explorations of<br>history, politics, and ideas, all of his works convey his lust<br>for expression and his passion for intellection.</p>

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                            <span class="visual_title">Painted By Numbers, 2016</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Curve and Esteme</span>

                            <p class="art_description tab">  Street artist Curve and Esteme’s artworks represents<br>the raw energy of a distinct pop-graffiti aesthetic cen-<br>tered on fluid, bold outlines against a dense, rhythmic<br>overspread of imagery of portraits and nature. </p>

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                            <span class="visual_title">The Indifferent Owl, 2011</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Gary Hume</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Hume has developed a distinctive visual language of<br>bold, simplified forms to create paintings that engage the<br>viewer with their pleasantly irresolvable quality.</p>

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                            <span class="visual_title">The Crutch Kid, 2017</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Casey Bolding</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Definitely digging the unique style of Brooklyn-based<br>painter whose surfaces span both concrete walls in public<br>spaces as well as canvas and works on paper.</p>

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                                <a href="#" title="go to page"><img src="images/main_con02_visual_04.jpg">
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                            <span class="visual_title">New Mexico, Continued, 2018</span>
                            <span class="artist_name">Max Vesuvius Budnick</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Ranging from deeply personal self-portraits and<br>vignettes from his own life to nuanced explorations of<br>history, politics, and ideas, all of his works convey his lust<br>for expression and his passion for intellection.</p>



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                    <h2>Showcase <br>Artworks in <br>Virtual Spaces</h2>

                    <p>Explore virtual art gallery exhibitions , no hardware is required<br> to explore the galleries. Art Galleries at Blank Proejct can also<br> create VR exhibitions and showcase art in Virtual Reality. </p>

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                <h2 class="content_title">ARTWORK SUBMISSION</h2>
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                            <p class="promo">Looking for Opportunities<br>to Showcase your Artworks?</p>
                        <span class="text_promo">If you are an artist looking to submit your artwork to a gallery and wish to<br>stay updated on relevant upcoming opportunities, join our mailing list</span>
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                    <h2>Find a Space <br>For Your <br>Art Exhibition</h2>

                    <p>You can find a free space to rent for your own art exbihitions.<br> Blank Project is willing to offer young talented artists who<br>needs a space for their exhibition in both online and off-line platform.</p>

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                <h2 class="content_title">EMERGING ARTISTS</h2>
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                                <span class="artist_id">@geraldines_galleri</span>

                            <span class="artist_name">Marcus Aitken</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Norwegian abstract colourist whose work has been exhibited internationally and most recently selected for the Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize shortlist. Geraldine’s paintings investigate themessuch as the inner psyche, nature and memory, expressed as pureabstraction through her unique approach to the Nordic colour tradition. </p>

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                                <span class="artist_id">@marcusaitken_</span>

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                            <span class="artist_name">Cassi Namoda</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  A contemporary artist and painter from South London. His work has been featured in various publications including Schön! Magazine, Art Plugged, Saatchi Online, Trebuchet, Condé Nast and Culture Trip and was recently named as one of Saatchi Arts top 20 emerging artists to watch in 2020.</p>

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                                <span class="artist_id">@cas_namodaa</span>

                            <span class="artist_name">Cassi Namoda</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Performance artist who explores the intricacies of social dynamics and mixed cultural and racial identity. Capturing scenes of everyday life, from mundane moments to life-changing events, she paints a vibrant and nuanced portrait of post-colonial Mozambique within an increasingly globalised world.</p>

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                                <span class="artist_id">@jacquesblk</span>

                            <span class="artist_name">Deshawn Dumas</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  DeShawn Dumas’ is occupied by U.S. slavery’s unresolved unfolding. In painting, he turns the conventions of modern art and the aesthetics of telecommunication devices towards the socio-cultural experiences of Black lives lived in and above euro-ethnic inhumanity.</p>

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                                <span class="artist_id">@geraldines_galleri</span>

                            <span class="artist_name">Marcus Aitken</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Norwegian abstract colourist whose work has been exhibited internationally and most recently selected for the Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize shortlist. Geraldine’s paintings investigate themessuch as the inner psyche, nature and memory, expressed as pureabstraction through her unique approach to the Nordic colour tradition. </p>

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                                <span class="artist_id">@marcusaitken_</span>

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                            <span class="artist_name">Cassi Namoda</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  A contemporary artist and painter from South London. His work has been featured in various publications including Schön! Magazine, Art Plugged, Saatchi Online, Trebuchet, Condé Nast and Culture Trip and was recently named as one of Saatchi Arts top 20 emerging artists to watch in 2020.</p>


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                                <span class="artist_id">@cas_namodaa</span>

                            <span class="artist_name">Cassi Namoda</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  Performance artist who explores the intricacies of social dynamics and mixed cultural and racial identity. Capturing scenes of everyday life, from mundane moments to life-changing events, she paints a vibrant and nuanced portrait of post-colonial Mozambique within an increasingly globalised world.</p>

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                                <span class="artist_id">@jacquesblk</span>

                            <span class="artist_name">Deshawn Dumas</span>

                            <p class="art_description">  DeShawn Dumas’ is occupied by U.S. slavery’s unresolved unfolding. In painting, he turns the conventions of modern art and the aesthetics of telecommunication devices towards the socio-cultural experiences of Black lives lived in and above euro-ethnic inhumanity.</p>

                <a href="#" title="Discover More">DISCOVER MORE ARTISTS</a>

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                            <h3>Sell & Purchase<br>Original Artworks</h3>

                            <p class="shop_text">Celebrate your favorite artworks with<br>framed reproductions and artist products<br>that feature details from various works,<br>manyfeatured in our collection.</p>

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                                <h3>Original Paintings</h3>
                                <span class="artist_id">@Alyce Gottesman</span>

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                                    <h3>Sculpture Art</h3>
                                    <span class="artist_id">@Jim Osman</span>
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                                    <h3>Prints & <br>Photography</h3>
                                    <span class="artist_id">@KangHee Kim</span>
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                <h2>Discover The World <br>Though Original <br>Artworks</h2>
                <p>From abstract canvases, figurative paintings, drawings or even street art and graffiti,<br>we offer an international selection of work in a variety of styles and techniques.<br>we are also helping emerging artists from around the globe to sell their works to art lovers.</p>


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                            <h2 class="con_tit">Trending <br>Art Exhibition</h2>
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                                <p class="artist_name">Melike Kara
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                                <p class="artwork_name">Weaving Words, 2019 </p>

                                <p class="art_medium">Oil stick and acrylic on canvas<br> 201 X 150 cm</p>

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                                    Melike Kara negotiates the relationship between forms and gestures to explore social relationships and individual subjective states. she focuses on the immediacy of bodily forms rendered through frenetic accumulations of lines or small, misshapen clay figures.
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                            <h2 class="con_tit">Trending <br>Art Exhibition</h2>
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                                <p class="artist_name">He Xiangyu
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                                <p class="artwork_name">Palate 18-2-9, 2018</p>
                                <p class="art_medium">Multi-media on canvas<br> 210 × 152 cm</p>

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                                    Conceptual artist He Xiangyu is perhaps best known for his headline-grabbing work The Death of Marat (2011), which featured a life-like resin sculpture of the corpse of Asian dissident artist Ai Weiwei placed in the window of a German gallery.

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                            <h2 class="con_tit">Trending <br>Art Exhibition</h2>
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                                    Andy Denzler
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                                <p class="artwork_name">Factured VII, 2020</p>
                                <p class="art_medium">Oil on canvas<br> 120 × 140 cm</p>

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                                    Andy Denzler weaves nostalgic photorealism <br>
                                    with gestural expression in his wholly original style of painting. He achieves the look of his works—at once a paused film still and a sweeping abstraction—by alternating bands of unmoving,impastoed detail with horizontal sweeps of brush.

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                            <h2 class="con_tit">Trending Art Exhibition</h2>
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                                    Marcus Maddox
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                                <p class="artwork_name">Sosa No. 1, New York, 2019</p>
                                <p class="art_medium">Archival pigment print, mounted<br> 22.2 × 17.8 cm</p>

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                                    Figures of Color is a study of black skin that explores the relationship between light and dark. This work diverts from my other photographic approaches,underscored by an appreciation for fine art painting.
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            <h2 class="con_tit"><span class="cut">BLANK PROJECT</span><br>Virtual Art Gallery</h2>
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                Explore virtual art gallery exhibitions , no hardware is required to explore the galleries.<br>
                Art Galleries at Blank Proejct can also create VR exhibitions and showcase art in Virtual Reality.<br>
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                    Don't miss this unique opportunity to see and participate in the early exhibition of theVR creative tools and talents.<br>
                    Watch as artists expand into an entirely new type of canvas.

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Curve & Esteme</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Detours and Dreams</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Casey Bolding</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Crutch Kid (2017)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Gary Hume</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Indifferent Owl (2011)</p>


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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marcus Aitken</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Railway - Limited Edition of 50</p>


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                            <p class="artist_tit">Cassi Namoda</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Dwelling Is The Light</p>


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                            <p class="artist_tit">Aissa Christophe Agostini</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Mister Love, 2020</p>


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                            <p class="artist_tit">Minjung Kim</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Street (2015)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marit Geraldine Bostad</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Lost Paradise</p>


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                            <p class="artist_tit">Curve & Esteme</p>
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                            <p class="artist_tit">Casey Bolding</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Crutch Kid (2017)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Gary Hume</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Indifferent Owl (2011)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marcus Aitken</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Railway - Limited Edition of 50</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Cassi Namoda</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Dwelling Is The Light</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Aissa Christophe Agostini</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Mister Love, 2020</p>


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                            <p class="artist_tit">Minjung Kim</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Street (2015)</p>


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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marit Geraldine Bostad</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Lost Paradise</p>
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                            <p class="artist_tit">Curve & Esteme</p>
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                            <p class="artist_tit">Casey Bolding</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Crutch Kid (2017)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Gary Hume</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Indifferent Owl (2011)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marcus Aitken</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Railway - Limited Edition of 50</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Cassi Namoda</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Dwelling Is The Light</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Aissa Christophe Agostini</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Mister Love, 2020</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Minjung Kim</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Street (2015)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marit Geraldine Bostad</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Lost Paradise</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Curve & Esteme</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Detours and Dreams</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Casey Bolding</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Crutch Kid (2017)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Gary Hume</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Indifferent Owl (2011)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marcus Aitken</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Railway - Limited Edition of 50</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Cassi Namoda</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Dwelling Is The Light</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Aissa Christophe Agostini</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">Mister Love, 2020</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Casey Bolding</p>
                            <p class="gallery_tit">The Crutch Kid (2017)</p>

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                            <p class="artist_tit">Gary Hume</p>
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                            <p class="artist_tit">Marcus Aitken</p>
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                            <p class="artist_tit">Cassi Namoda</p>
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                            <p class="artist_tit">Aissa Christophe Agostini</p>
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                <p class="art_tit">Dog Under The Table (2018)</p>
                <span class="artist_name"> Casey Bolding </span>

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                <p class="art_tit">The Crutch Kid (2017)</p>
                <span class="artist_name"> Casey Bolding </span>

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                <p class="art_tit">The Walking Man (2019)</p>
                <span class="artist_name"> Casey Bolding </span>

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                        <h2 class="con_tit">
                            "Routine Malfunction"
                        <p class="artist">Casey Bolding</p>

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                            <p class="description">
                                  "Routine Malfunction" examines the absurdities, extremes, and maleficence of the everyday. Bringing together an eclectic group of eight artists and paintings, sculpture, photography and works on paper, the exhibition is united under the umbrella of contemporary cultural critiques. Dark humor runs rampant, as artists examine the beauties, cruelties, and misgivings of daily life. With humor and compassion, the works seek to reflect upon how we navigate this unforgiving terrain. And though our navigations tend to be clumsy, occasionally, there is grace.
                                    Bolding builds an eerie painterly world in which the compositions showcase ambiguous figures and vivid colours. Often, his narratives overlap each other within the same canvas underlying fractures of a lively abstraction. The artist describes his work as both “incidental” and “intentional“, stating the contradictory duality of his compositions. In terms of his themes, his pictorial variation coincides with the array of the stylistic features that do not easily reveal themselves on the canvas’ surface. Some painting attempts seem to make sense while others flirt with creative randomness. Actually, what the viewer’s eye sees can be a deliberately executed composition of reality and imagination, whereas other painting outcomes are more orchestrated.
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                        <span class="date">Published 2020/10/25</span>

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                            <h2 class="con_tit">Casey Bolding</h2>
                            <span class="date">American, b. 1987</span>
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                            <p>  Casey Bolding is a Postwar & Contemporary artist who was born in 1987. Their work was featured in several exhibitions at key galleries and museums, including the 1969 Gallery and the Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, New York. In MutualArt’s artist press archive, Casey Bolding is featured in Routine Malfunction Group Show at 1969 Gallery, NYC, a piece from the JUXTAPOZ in 2019.
                                  Reiterating the symbolic nature of his work, Bolding is keen on utilising subliminal imagery, or subtle shapes and signs, to capture something primal in his audience. Some things that we relate to, we can't explain. His paintings are often such things. Out of the gallery and studio, whilst working in the street, Bolding's paintings appear even more out of context, using forms and techniques largely unseen in street art.
                                  On his website, Bolding's works are described as taking 'on a high art facade, executed with low brow materials'. Another paradox. Another level of contradiction and depth.
                                  Throughout all of his works, faces remain largely obscured, yet despite that, convey a deep and kinetic expression of pain; ecstasy; grief and torment. Sometimes all of these things indistinguishably at once. Bolding's paintings are always simply and clean in execution, but pack in many styles, genres and themes contributing to the underlining feeling that they're both art and puzzles to chew over - some of which seem to be about the individual, others the collective, but always the universal.
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                                            <h4>Routine Malfunction Group Show @ 1969 Gallery, NYC</h4>
                                            <p class="written">by JUXTAPOZ <span class="date">10 / 16 / 2019</span> </p>

                                            <p class="article_txt">
                                                  Routine Malfunction examines the absurdities, extremes, and maleficence of the everyday. Bringing together an eclectic group of artists, the show is united under the umbrella of contemporary cultural critiques. Dark humor runs rampant, as artists examine ...
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                                            <h4>Artist Spotlight: Casey Bolding</h4>
                                            <p class="written">by KATE MOTHES<span class="date">10 / 04 / 2017</span></p>

                                            <p class="article_txt">
                                                  Definitely digging the unique style of Brooklyn-based painter Casey Bolding, whose surfaces span both concrete walls in public spaces as well as canvas and works on paper. I chat with him here about his mentors, how the moniker 28 Staples came about, and ...
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                                            <h4>Routine Malfunction Group Show @ 1969 Gallery, NYC</h4>
                                            <p class="written">by JUXTAPOZ <span class="date">10 / 16 / 2019</span> </p>

                                            <p class="article_txt">
                                                  Routine Malfunction examines the absurdities, extremes, and maleficence of the everyday. Bringing together an eclectic group of artists, the show is united under the umbrella of contemporary cultural critiques. Dark humor runs rampant, as artists examine ...
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                                            <h4>Artist Spotlight: Casey Bolding</h4>
                                            <p class="written">by KATE MOTHES<span class="date">10 / 04 / 2017</span></p>

                                            <p class="article_txt">
                                                  Definitely digging the unique style of Brooklyn-based painter Casey Bolding, whose surfaces span both concrete walls in public spaces as well as canvas and works on paper. I chat with him here about his mentors, how the moniker 28 Staples came about, and ...
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                                            <h4>Routine Malfunction Group Show @ 1969 Gallery, NYC</h4>
                                            <p class="written">by JUXTAPOZ <span class="date">10 / 16 / 2019</span> </p>

                                            <p class="article_txt">
                                                  Routine Malfunction examines the absurdities, extremes, and maleficence of the everyday. Bringing together an eclectic group of artists, the show is united under the umbrella of contemporary cultural critiques. Dark humor runs rampant, as artists examine ...
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                                            <h4>Artist Spotlight: Casey Bolding</h4>
                                            <p class="written">by KATE MOTHES<span class="date">10 / 04 / 2017</span></p>

                                            <p class="article_txt">
                                                  Definitely digging the unique style of Brooklyn-based painter Casey Bolding, whose surfaces span both concrete walls in public spaces as well as canvas and works on paper. I chat with him here about his mentors, how the moniker 28 Staples came about, and ...
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                                    <h5>Staple Items, 2017</h5>
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                                        Acrylic and enamel on board
                                        36 in X 36 in

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                                    <h5>Getting Rid of Gimmicks, 2017</h5>
                                    <p class="sale_txt">
                                        Acrylic and Enamel on Canvas
                                        32 in X 32 in

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                                    <h5>Elegant Emergency, 2017</h5>
                                    <p class="sale_txt">
                                        Acrylic and enamel on board
                                        26 X 16 in

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                                    <h5>Only the Cockroaches</h5>
                                    <p class="sale_txt">
                                        Acrylic and enamel on board
                                        36 in X 36 in

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                                    <h5>Staple Items, 2017</h5>
                                    <p class="sale_txt">
                                        Acrylic and enamel on board
                                        36 in X 36 in

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                                    <h5>Getting Rid of Gimmicks, 2017</h5>
                                    <p class="sale_txt">
                                        Acrylic and Enamel on Canvas
                                        32 in X 32 in

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                                    <h5>Elegant Emergency, 2017</h5>
                                    <p class="sale_txt">
                                        Acrylic and enamel on board
                                        26 X 16 in

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                                    <h5>Only the Cockroaches</h5>
                                    <p class="sale_txt">
                                        Acrylic and enamel on board
                                        36 in X 36 in

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                        <a href="#" title="go to page">
                            <div class="thumb_img">
                                <img src="images/gallery_main/con03_visual01.png" alt="artist_thumb">
                            <h4>Heidi Hahn</h4>
                            <span class="date">American, b. 1982</span>

                        <a href="#" title="go to page">
                            <div class="thumb_img">
                                <img src="images/gallery_main/con03_visual02.png" alt="artist_thumb">
                            <h4>Danielle Orchard</h4>
                            <span class="date">American, b. 1991</span>

                        <a href="#" title="go to page">
                            <div class="thumb_img">
                                <img src="images/gallery_main/con03_visual03.png" alt="artist_thumb">
                            <h4>Edward del Rosario</h4>
                            <span class="date">European, b. 1970</span>

                        <a href="#" title="go to page">
                            <div class="thumb_img">
                                <img src="images/gallery_main/con03_visual04.png" alt="artist_thumb">
                            <h4>Nicole Eisenman</h4>
                            <span class="date">American, b. 1965</span>

                        <a href="#" title="go to page">
                            <div class="thumb_img">
                                <img src="images/gallery_main/con03_visual05.png" alt="artist_thumb">
                            <h4>Malik Roberts</h4>
                            <span class="date">American, b. 1990</span>


            </div><!-- recommend -->
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/*-----------------CON02 - Visual Slide-------------------*/

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/*---------------------- CON03 ----------------------*/

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/* CON 04 */

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/*    CON05    */

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/* mnav sublist */

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/* Header Scroll */

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/* ------------------------------- HEADER END ---------------------------- */

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/* -------------------------- CON02 BELOW -----------------------------*/

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/* con 02 select menu */
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/* ----- Select Box Black Panther ----- */
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/* ----- Select Box Superman ----- */
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/*-------------------------- CON02 END -------------------------*/

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/*------------------CON3 SLIDE SETTING BELOW--------------------*/

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/* --------- FOOTER CSS ------------*/

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    /* mobile header */

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        width: 25px;

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    /* con01 750 */

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        display: none;

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        font-weight: 900;

    p.artwork_name {
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        color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

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        display: none;

    p.art_medium br {
        display: none;

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        display: none;

    a.btn01:hover {
        display: none;

    span.addFavorite {
        position: absolute;
        right: 4%;
        top: 10%;
        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
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        display: none;

    /* con02 750 */

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        display: none;

    div.category {
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        padding: 15px 15px 5px;

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        font-size: 13px;
        padding: 10px;
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        padding: 10px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        width: 100%;

    .sel::before {
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        display: none;

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        z-index: 1;
        display: none;

    .sel--black-panther {
        z-index: 0;

    button#filter_btn {
        height: 32px;
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        display: block;
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        border: none;
        padding: 0px 20px;
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        color: #3d3d3d;
        font-weight: 600;
        font-size: 13px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        float: left;

    button#filter_btn span#in {
        display: block;
        float: right;
        padding-left: 6px;
        font-size: 17px;
        line-height: 32px;

    button#filter_btn.on span#in {
        display: none;

    button#filter_btn.on span#out {
        display: block;

    button#filter_btn span#out {
        display: none;
        /* block */
        float: right;
        padding-left: 6px;
        font-size: 15px;
        line-height: 30px;

    div#filter_wrap {
        opacity: 0;
        /* 1 */
        top: -100px;
        /* 0px */
        margin: 60px auto;
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        width: 100%;
        top: 0px;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translateX(-50%);
        background-color: #3d3d3d;
        z-index: 998;
        pointer-events: none;
        transition: all .2s cubic-bezier(.12, .13, .14, .15);
        -webkit-transition: all .2s cubic-bezier(.12, .13, .14, .15);

    div#filter_wrap.on {
        opacity: 1;
        top: 100%;
        display: block;
        margin-top: 0px;
        pointer-events: auto;

    div#filter_inner {
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0px auto;
        height: 100%;
        padding: 20px;
        box-sizing: border-box;

    div#filter_inner .sel {
        width: 30%;
        margin-right: 5%;
        float: left;

    div#filter_inner .lastsel {
        margin-right: 0px;

    div#filter_inner .sel sel--black-panther {
        display: block;
        z-index: 998;

    div#filter_inner .sel__placeholder {
        display: block;
        text-align: left;
        font-size: 13px;

    div#filter_inner .sel__box__options {
        text-align: center;
        font-size: 13px;

    div#filter_inner .sel::before {
        left: 85%;
        top: 0px;
        display: block;

    /* con01 750 end */

    /* con02 750 BELOW  */

    div#con02_inner h2 {
        margin: 0px 40px 20px;
        font-size: 34px;

    div#con02_inner h2 span.cut {
        display: none;

    div#con02_inner p.con_txt span.cut {
        display: none;

    /* con03 750 BELOW */

    div#con03_inner {
        position: relative;

    div#con03_inner > button.slick-arrow {
        top: 50%;
        position: fixed;
        opacity: 0;
        pointer-events: none;
        text-indent: -9999px;
        width: 40px;
        height: 40px;
        background-color: #3d3d3d;
        font-size: 0px;
        background-position: center;
        border-radius: 40px;

    div#con03_inner > button.slick-arrow.on {
        top: 50%;
        position: fixed;
        opacity: 1;
        pointer-events: auto;

    div#con03_inner > button.slick-prev02 {
        left: 32px;
        width: 40px;
        background-color: #3d3d3d;

    div#con03_inner > button.slick-next02 {
        left: 95.5%;

    div.gallery_list ul li {
        height: 300px;

    div.gallery_txt {
        padding: 15px 25px;

    div.gallery_txt p.artist_tit {
        font-size: 18px;

    div.gallery_txt p.gallery_tit {
        font-size: 14px;
        margin-top: 15px;

    div.gallery_txt span.add_gallery {
        position: relative;
        bottom: 200px;
        display: block;
        background-color: #ffffff;
        border-radius: 30px;
        background-size: 53%;
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
        z-index: 998;
        margin-right: -8px;

    div.gallery_list ul li > a {
        font-size: 18px;


/* 750 */

@media screen and (max-width:480px) {

    /* con01 480 */

    div#trending_slide ul li div.main_wrap img.pc_img {
        display: none;

    div#trending_slide ul li div.main_wrap img.m_img {
        display: block;
        width: auto;
        height: 100%;
        transition: all 3s;
        -webkit-transition: all 3s;

    div#trending_slide ul li.slick-active div.main_wrap img.m_img {
        transform: scale(1.1);


/* media screen 480 px*/

/* ===== Keyframes ===== */
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        opacity: 0;
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    to {
        opacity: 1;
        transform: none;

@keyframes fadeOut {
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        opacity: 1;

    to {
        opacity: 0;
/* Reset Stylesheet v1.6.1
Last Updated: 2010-09-17
Author: Richard Clark - 
html, body, div, span, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
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fieldset, form, label, legend,
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article, aside, canvas, details, figcaption, figure, 
footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, summary,
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blockquote, q {
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
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input, select {
}) // window
function mainVisualSlide(){
        slide : "li",
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        autoplaySpeed : 4000, 
        infinite : true,
        pauseOnHover : true,
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        fade: true, 
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            breakpoint : 980,
            settings : {
              slideToShow : 1,
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function headerScroll(){
  $(window).on("scroll", onScroll);
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        "transition": "all 0.4s"});
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      $("#mnav_btn a span").addClass("invert");

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} // headerScroll

function Hover(){
  var $visualSlide = $(".visual_slide > ul > li, #con05_visual a");
  var $singleBtn = $("span.singleBtn");
  var $artistBtn = $("span.exhibit_btn, span.artwork_btn");
  var $shopBtn = $("span.shop_btn");
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  $visualSlide.on("mouseleave", outHover);
  function onHover(){
    $(this).find("span.exhibit_btn, span.artwork_btn").show();
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  function outHover(){
//    $shopBtn.hide();
}// Hover

function mobileBtn(){
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//  $("#tnav").css({"top":"-100%"});
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        $("#mnav_btn a span.line03").addClass("on")},300)
        $("#mnav_btn a").addClass("on")},600);
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      openMenu = false;
      return false;
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} // mobileBtn

function hoverZoom(){
  $("#con05_visual").find("a").on("mouseenter", zoomIn);
  $("#con05_visual").find("a").on("mouseleave", zoomOut);
  function zoomIn(){
  function zoomOut(){

function splitting(){
} //splitting

function VisualSlideOne(){
  $(".vslide01").on("init", function(event, slick){
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       $('.slick-arrow').on("click", btnClick);
  function btnClick(){
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function VisualSlideTwo(){

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    autoplaySpeed : 3500,
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            breakpoint : 980,
            settings : {
              slideToShow : 1,

}// VisualSlideTwo

function inputAfter(){
}// inputAfter
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function initialSetting(){
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function headerScroll(){

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        "transition": "all 0.4s"});
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} // headerScroll

function mobileBtn(){
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  $("#mnav_btn").on("click", onMnav);
  function onMnav(){
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        $("#mnav_btn a span.line03").addClass("on")},300)
        $("#mnav_btn a").addClass("on")},600);
      openMenu = true;
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      openMenu = false;
      return false;
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} // mobileBtn

function mainVisualSlide() {

  $(".slider01").on("init", function (event, slick) {

    $('<div class="slick-counter"><span class="current"></span>/<span class="total"></span></div>').appendTo($(this));
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 //   $('ul.slider01 > button.slick-arrow').css({"display":"none"});

//    function btnClick() {
//      $('.slick-arrow').removeClass("on");
//      $(this).addClass("on");
//    } //btnClick

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      centerMode: true,
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      nextArrow : ".slick-next01",

      responsive: [
          breakpoint: 996,
          settings: {
            centerMode : false,
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          breakpoint: 480,
          settings: {
            centerMode : false,
            variableWidth: false,
   .on('beforeChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {
      $('.current').text(nextSlide + 1);

} // mainVisualSlide

function selectMenu(){
  $('.sel').each(function() {
  $(this).children('select').css('display', 'none');
  var $current = $(this);
  $(this).find('option').each(function(i) {
    if (i == 0) {
      $current.prepend($('<div>', {
        class: $current.attr('class').replace(/sel/g, 'sel__box')
      var placeholder = $(this).text();
      $current.prepend($('<span>', {
        class: $current.attr('class').replace(/sel/g, 'sel__placeholder'),
        text: placeholder,
        'data-placeholder': placeholder
    $current.children('div').append($('<span>', {
      class: $current.attr('class').replace(/sel/g, 'sel__box__options'),
      text: $(this).text()

// Toggling the `.active` state on the `.sel`.
$('.sel').click(function() {

  $('.sel').on("mouseleave", leave);
  function leave(){
// Toggling the `.selected` state on the options.
$('.sel__box__options').click(function() {
  var txt = $(this).text();
  var index = $(this).index();
  var $currentSel = $(this).closest('.sel');
  $currentSel.children('select').prop('selectedIndex', index + 1);

function imgHover(){
  var $gallery = $('.gallery_list > ul > li');
  var $galleryBtn = $gallery.find('a');
  $gallery.on("mouseenter", onHover);
  $gallery.on("mouseleave", outHover);
  function onHover(){
    $(this).find('a').animate({"opacity":1, "width":"100%"},800,"easeOutCubic");
//    $(this).find('img').css({"transform":"scale(1.35)"});
  function outHover(){
//    $(this).find('img').css({"transform":"scale(1)"});
}// imgHover

function contentSlide(){
  $("#con03_inner").on("init", function (event, slick) {
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    var $listCount = $("#con03_inner .gallery_list").size();
    $('<div class="slick-counter02"><span class="currentList"></span>/<span class="totalList"></span></div>').appendTo($(this));
    $('.currentList').text( slick.currentSlide + 1  );
    $('.totalList').text( $listCount ) ;

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    slide : ".gallery_list",
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    infinite : false,
    prevArrow : ".slick-prev02",
    nextArrow : ".slick-next02",
      responsive: [
          breakpoint: 768,
          settings: {
          breakpoint: 480,
          settings: {

   .on('beforeChange', function (event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) {
      $('.currentList').text(nextSlide + 1);
}// contentSlide

function filterBtn(){
  var $filterBtn = $('#filter_btn');
  $filterBtn.on("click focus", popUp);
  function popUp(){
     //$('#filter_btn span#out').show();
     //$('#filter_btn span#in').hide();
  } //popUp
}// filterBtn

function slideBtnScroll(){

  $(window).on("scroll", onScroll);
  function onScroll(){
    var headerTop = $(window).scrollTop();
    if(headerTop > 900){
      $("#con03_inner > button.slick-arrow").addClass("on");
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        "transition": "all 0.4s"});
    if( $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > ($(document).height() - 300) ){
      $("#con03_inner > button.slick-arrow").removeClass("on").css({
        "transition": "all 0.2s"});
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} // headerScroll